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SONOFF - Zigbee CC2531 USB Dongle - Zigbee til MQTT

Produktnr.: H51934  |  Producentvarekode: M0802010007
119.00 DKK incl. VAT
95.20 DKK excl. VAT

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To run zigbee2mqtt for the control of SONOFF Zigbee products like BASICZBR3, S31 Lite Zb in your home automation system, a CC2531 USB dongle integration is recommended. The CC2531 USB dongle is a fully operational USB device which provides a PC interface to IEEE802.15.4 / ZigBee applications, comes with a CC2531ZNP-Prod firmware, the dongle can be plugged directly into your PC/Raspberry etc. used as a Zigbee packet sniffer.


  • Flashed with CC2531ZNP-Prod firmware for zigbee2mqtt application
  • 8 IO connectors
  • Debug interface
  • Size: 5.6 x 1.6 x 0.7cm
  • Two buttons and two LEDs for user interaction
  • Can operate up to 20 devices


Quantity Excl. VAT Incl. VAT
>= 1 95.20 119.00
>= 2 87.20 109.00
>= 4 79.20 99.00
>= 8 71.20 89.00
