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Spænding- og strøm sensormodul til Arduino (MAX471)

Produktnr.: H41495
89,00 DKK m/mva
71,20 DKK u/mva

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Billigste frakt: Kr. 55,- inkl. moms.
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This module can be used to test current and voltage. Based on the principle of resistive voltage splitting design. For Arduino analog input voltages up to 5V, the voltage detection module input voltage must not exceed 5V x 5 = 25V. When using a 3,3V system, the input voltage must not exceed 3,3V x 5 = 16,5V. Arduino AVR chips have 10 bit AD, so this module simulates a resolution of 0,00489V (5V / 1023) so the minimum voltage of the input voltage detection module is 0,00489Vx5 = 0,02445V. The MAX471 chip on the board is used to test the consumption flow.


  • Test voltage: 3-25Vdc (for 5V Arduino) or 3-16,5Vdc (for 3,3V Arduino)
  • Test current: 0-3A
Note: This is a "maker" module for developers. It is delivered without any further instructions than what you find here.

Kvantitet priser

Antall Eks. MVA Inkl. MVA
>= 1 71,20 89,00
>= 2 63,20 79,00
>= 4 55,20 69,00
