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Polyesterline m. hård kerne - Ø5mm, Hvid (metervare)

Produktnr.: H18306  |  Producentvarekode: 30190105
15,95 DKK m/mva
12,76 DKK u/mva

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Billigste frakt: Kr. 55,- inkl. moms.
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Premium polyester line with good grip and an optimal price-quality ratio. Has an excellent combination between the polyester core and the sock. Numerous applications, including as lap, fall and flagline. This line has a quality which also makes it suitable for use with clamps (see accessories), for example in connection with the installation of sun shade sails.


  • Construction: 16-braided polyester sock and 8-braided polyester core
  • Diameter: Ø5mm
  • Elongation: Moderate
  • Tensile strength: 600N
  • Durability: Good
  • Floating: No
  • Can be spliced: Ja
  • Weight: 19 g/m
  • Delivery unit: Metercut (up to 200m on full roll)
Also known as: Flag rope.

Kvantitet priser

Antall Eks. MVA Inkl. MVA
>= 1 12,76 15,95
>= 5 11,96 14,95
>= 10 11,16 13,95
>= 20 10,36 12,95
