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Tryksensormodul til Arduino - For tryksensitiv modstand

Produktnr.: H28276
39,00 DKK m/mva
31,20 DKK u/mva

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This interface module is designed to convert the resistance from a Force sensitive resistor (FSR) to an analog voltage signal output for your Arduino or another micro controller.

Note: This is a "maker" module for developers. It is delivered without any further instructions than what you find here. Force sensitive resistor is not included (see accessories).


  • Pinout:
    • VCC: positive supply voltage (5V)
    • GND: negative supply voltage
    • DO: High point level signal output
    • AO: analog voltage signal output (0-3.3V)
  • Adjustments:
    • AO-RES: magnification adjustment potentiometer
    • DO-RES: comparison threshold adjustment potentiometer
  • Dimensions: 32 x15mm

Kvantitet priser

Antall Eks. MVA Inkl. MVA
>= 1 31,20 39,00
>= 3 27,20 34,00
>= 6 23,20 29,00
